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Lies And Forgeries: Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Judge Roy Moore Are Bogus Lies

It's now become impossible to believe Judge Roy Moore's accusers, and for very good reason. Accusations of sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have recently been shown to be unfounded and unproven and from highly suspect people whose motives must be called into question. With each new revelation it becomes more and more apparent that the accusers are lying and that this is nothing more than a political hit-job by Democrats and RINOs to knock Roy Moore out of the race.

Two have close connections to prominent Democrats, with one accuser being a campaign worker for his political opponent! One is a rabid anti-Trumper, who, after being exposed, cleaned her Facebook page of anti-Trump and anti-Moore posts. One has a major druggie background. Deborah Wesson Gibson works for Moore's opponent Doug Jones as well as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, while Leigh Corfman has a VERY troubling past including a HISTORY of making false sexual allegations.

Another accuser, Tina Johnson failed to mention that Roy Moore represented her mother against her in a child custody case in 1991. A case she lost because of history of violent behavior and fraud claims. That's a pretty strong motive for ling now. Especially when there's a history of that sort of behavior from her.

Moore accusers have also been found to have close and family ties to drug dealers sentenced by Judge Moore, as well as directly to the Washington Post.

The latest accuser, Beverly Young Nelson somehow also failed to mention to anyone (except maybe Gloria Allred) that Judge Roy Moore was involved in a court action against her. How could it have slipped from her memory that Judge Roy Moore presided over her divorce in 1999, and that she was provided with a copy of the divorce papers containing Judge Moore's signature as well as his judicial assistant and secretary Delbra Adams initials (D.A.) on it? If Beverly Young remembers and cries now over a supposed incident with Moore from 40 years ago, where was her concern, tears, and fears with him then as he presided over her divorce case? Highly suspect.

Even her stepson and an ex-boyfriend (now a minister) have gone on record to say they believe she is lying.

Rush Limbaugh also caught Beverly Young Nelson in a major lie, placing very serious doubt on her story. In her charge, she claims the she was trapped inside Moore's car and couldn't unlock the door because he set the child-lock. The alleged incident occurred in 1977, but child-locks were not installed in cars until the early 1980s! Since this lie was exposed, witnesses have stepped forward and also poked great big holes in Beverly Young's story proving that she and Gloria Allred are lying. As to the infamous and damning yearbook; it's a clear forgery. The signature is in black ink right up to "Love, Ray" (not "Roy", but "Ray"), and then suddenly it's in light blue ink for "Moore" the date and location (how convenient!). Also, the black "7"s and the blue "7"s are VERY different stylistically Experts have call it a forgery. Easy to see why with one's own eyes.

And lastly, WHY is Gloria refusing to turn the yearbook over for an independent 3rd-party investigation? As of this writing, it has been 3 weeks since the request was first made to her. Why is she afraid to turn the yearbook over? What could she be hiding? Handwriting experts who have examined the photos posted by CNN have concluded that there are 12 handwriting differences between the yearbook and a known and verified signature of his. In addition, the hand-printing is completely off.

Taken all together, these facts serve as compelling and overwhelming evidence that the allegations against Judge Roy Moore are false and that this is nothing more than a political hit job.

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