The 2020 Election Was Rigged
The raw numbers alone prove fraud.
These figures are from the Census Bureau and Ballotpedia ...
* 66.8% of 168.3 is 112M
* Trump got 74M votes (This number has never been disputed)
* 112M minus 74M is 38M
* 38M minus 81M is -43M
So, where the fuck did Biden's EXTRA 43M votes come from?
Here's what explains this. President Trump started off with a lead and maintained it throughout the day. Democrats were pumping in extra fake votes all during the day just to keep up. At roughly 11PM, when it became clear to them that they were losing ground and weren't going to overtake President Trump, they staged emergencies —all at the same time !!! — in all the battleground states, and shut the entire election down. This downtime was to deal with the issues and NO COUNTING was to be performed. And, of course, we have video proving that they did continue counting (fake) ballots after they had shoo'ed everyone else (witnesses) out of the counting centers/polling places, and blocked up all the windows, so electors were unable to look in and see what they were doing. At 4AM, when they "reopened" the polls, Biden was suddenly and magically ahead — by a LOT! This chart of the ballots cast clearly shows the fraud known as "the 4AM bump" ...

Now, let's look at some more facts that raise alarm bells ...
Biden won a RECORD LOW 16.9% of US counties; he LOST both Black and Hispanic support; he LOST 18 out of 19 Bellwether Counties, he LOST Ohio, Florida, & Iowa — and he LOST all 27 out of 27 House "Toss-Ups"seats—but he still somehow shattered the popular vote record? Not likely. While none of the above bellwethers are "proof" that the election was stolen; they do serve as a clear warning that something is not quite right. Especially when every established metric pointing to the winner suddenly and inexplicably buck the trend in one election year. Something which has never happened before, and especially so for a candidate who almost never left his basement to hold a rally, and when he did couldn't get more attendees than a small town yard sale! This alone is reason enough to question the results of the election.
Here are additional resources PROVING election fraud in 2020:
'Here Is The Evidence': A site for "aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates"
In addition, during a conference call with Antifa, Dominion's own Director of Strategy and Security, Eric Coomer told the attendees "Don't worry about the election. Trump's not gonna win. I made fucking sure of that!"
Being personally in charge of the Dominion's voting machines across the country; here's just one alarming way that Eric Coomer could have "fucking made sure of that!" Through adjudicated ballots:
For even more information and examples, you can look up the hashtags #VoterFraud and #ElectionFraud on Twitter. In addition, any updated and breaking news stories I find that are related to this topic of election fraud will be regularly posted at THIS LINK.