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Donald Trump Had Nothing To Do With Jeffrey Epstein's Sexual Crimes

Donald Trump had NOTHING to do with Jeff Epstein's crimes, and he NEVER went to Epstein's island. Trump only knew Epstein because they were both billionaires naturally moving in the same social circles, and Epstein was a paying member of Trump's prestigious Mar-a-Lago club, where Trump also lived with his family. However, in 2002, after learning that Jeffrey was going after underage girls, Trump ended all association with Epstein, threw him out of Mar-a-Lago and banned him for life from all his properties.

Later, in 2009, at Epstein's first arrest, Trump was the ONLY ONE who reached out to authorities, and fully cooperated with them to build a case against Epstein.

If Trump was really a part of Jeffrey Epstein's crimes, he would have never taken any of the actions listed above because of the risk of self-incrimination, But, he did take those because he had nothing to do with any of Epstein's crimes.

As for the 7 flights that Trump took on Epstein's jet: ALL of these flights were between Palm Beach and NY/NJ only, whenever Trump's own plane was out of commission or unavailable. In those events, Epstein would politely loan Trump the use of his jet. The proof of this is in Epstein's own FAA mandated Flight Logs and Airport Codes.

The timeline of these flights also prove that Trump COULD NOT have been a guest at Epstein's island as Epstein bought Little St. James in 1998 – one year after Trump's last flight on Epstein's Jet, and didn't live there until 2005 after development and renovations to the island had been completed – 8 years after Trump's last flight on Epstein's jet and 3 years after Trump ended his friendship with Epstein and banned him from Mar-a-Lago and all his other properties for chasing young girls

  • Trump's LAST flight was in 1997

  • Epstein bought Little St. James in 1998

  • Trump ended his friendship with Epstein in 2002

  • Epstein didn't move to Little St. James until 2005

Jeff Epstein never accompanied Trump on any of these flights, although Epstein's brothr

Trump was only once on Epstein's jet in January 1997 when Trump's plane was suddenly down for repairs in Miami, stranding him and preventing him from making an important meeting in NYC. Epstein offered Trump the use of his own plane. This flight was from Palm Beach (PBI: Palm Beach International Airport) to New Jersey (EWR: Newark Liberty International Airport) and *not* to Little St. James (Epstein's pedo island). Jeffrey Epstein did not join Trump on the flight, and the flight logs confirm that Trump had only one trip on Epstein's jet, and that the destination was New Jersey. Jeffrey Epstein's brother Mark, who was on the flight, confirmed these facts in his 2009 court disposition. Donald Trump's name does NOT appear on any flight logs to Little St. James. Passenger manifests for international flights are FAA Law.

We also know that Trump never have visited Epstein's island of Little St. James, and that his name isn't on Jeffrey Epstein's flight logs to Little St. James because Epstein purchased Little St. James in April 1998–15 months AFTER TRUMP'S LAST FLIGHT on Epstein's plane in January 1997. Jeffrey Epstein’s Little St. James Island: What We Know

Bill Clinton, however, has 26 FAA logged flights on Jeff Epstein's infamous "Lolita Express" to Epstein's private island Little St. James.

What about Trump's name being on Epstein's call log? Trump showed up in Epstein's call log when they were bidding on the same property.

It was also Trump that had the DOJ reopen Epstein's case. AGAIN, not something that someone who is guilty would ever do.

As for the story of Trump and Epstein raping a 13-year-old girl — it never happened. They ever even met. In 2016 the court discovered she had LIED, and that Trump's name had been inserted later into the lawsuit. Her case against Trump was dismissed, she confessed to having lied.

As for all the other women who have accused Trump? They all were connected to Lisa Bloom (Gloria Allred's daughter), and it was uncovered that she had been PAYING these women to LIE that they were molested by Donald Trump. All those cases were eventually dropped as well.

In 2016 Fusion GPS, working on behalf of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, tried their best to get dirt on Trump's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and failed to find any.

Jeffrey Epstein's documents that were unsealed and released by Congress in 2024 further prove that Donald Trump had nothing to do with Jeffrey Epstein's sexual crimes, not did he visit Epstein's island or NYC home.

The Feds even offered Epstein a 'sweetheart deal' if he offered up evidence against Trump, and Epstein had nothing to offer them. What does that tell you?

And lastly, ask yourself these excellent and important questions that were expertly put forward by one Matthew Lightt (Thank you, Matthew!)



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