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FACTS About Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is and was an active part of creating the crises we currently face. Here are some FACTS about Kamala Harris:

She's an IDIOT and a DEI hire. Her gift for speaking to the issues is LIMITED to circular word salads, highlighting just how LITTLE EFFORT she puts into working. The wheels are spinning, but there's only the smell of burning rubber.

She's a person of low moral fiber, who slept her way to the top.

She's a Marxist Socialist and TOO RADICAL for America. She's a Red Diaper Baby whose parents met at a Marxist group in college. Her father was an Affirmative Action hire at Stanford University SIMPLY BECAUSE he was "black" and a Marxist! He didn't earn it, except to allow them to check off a box. And, you know what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree! This is very true in her case.

Her proposed policies are Marxist, and Harris' own record shows that she's NOT for the United States of America, but rather a Collectivist Socialist States of America!

Here's a fairly comprehensive rundown on her radical Marxist/Communist upbringing., background and connections:

SHE'S NOT AFRICAN-AMERICAN! Before she was "African-American", she was Indian-American.

President Trump is 100% correct when he states that she's a deceitful chameleon who changes who she is to best pander for votes from whatever audience she's addressing at any given time. Before she was an "African-American", Kamala Harris was an "Indian-American". Here's a fun FACT ... being from South Africa, Elon Musk is LITERALLY 100% MORE African-American than Kamala Harris! She is just another lying politician who will say whatever she feels she needs to say to sucker people into giving her their votes. She started her political career being a whore, and she's continuing that tradition!

Joe Biden's failures are her failures as well. She shares full responsibility with Biden for runaway inflation by casting tie-breaking votes for the $1.9T American Rescue and the ill-named Inflation Reduction Acts. Bidenomics is simply NOT working for Americans, and is only causing inflation and slow economic growth. Putting food on the table is up over 200%. The poor guy in the following video has seen a 227% increase from only 2 yrs ago! How much has YOURS risen? Kamala, Biden and Democrats are who created this situation, not Trump, but THEM. And, you are being made to pay and suffer for it. Only President Trump will work to end this and help make you and your family financially whole again.

Where Bidenomics IS working, however, is FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, some of whom are getting somewhere around $18,000 a month in taxpayer-funded benefits! This should REALLY hit home for Americans who are struggling to put food on the table.

Inflation was at a healthy 1.4% (shows growth) until Biden and Harris got into office (see chart). Kamala Harris shares full responsibility with Joe Biden for runaway inflation by not only casting tie-breaking votes for the $1.9T American Rescue Act and the ill-named Inflation Reduction Act, both of which kicked off hyperinflation, but also by supporting and backing each and every economy-destroying policy Biden implemented. His failures are also her failures. She actively helped to create our current crises, but NOW she's gonna fix it? LOL! No. A tiger doesn't change its stripes.

Here's the gospel truth about the Biden/Harris job creation/economic record ...

She has failed at protecting our borders, which is the SOLE TASK she was expressly assigned to do by Joe Biden. She, and she alone, was and is officially in charge of safeguarding our borders.

The following chat shows exactly how Kamala performed in the ONLY JOB that was explicitly assigned to her.

With an established history of failing to perform the ONE SINGLE TASK as Vice President that was assigned to her; how on earth can anyone possibly expect that she's gonna somehow perform better being POTUS while having infinitesimally MORE responsibilities?


Good question that everyone should be asking

Vladimir Putin supports her for POTUS. After all the Left's LIES about Trump and Russian Collusion, what do they have to say about this little chunk of TRUTH? Vladimir Putin has come right out and publicly stated that he supports Kamala Harris in the 2024 Presidential race. And yet, the DOJ, in another attempt to undermine Trump's presidential campaign, are AGAIN falsely insinuating that Russia is supporting Trump. For those who don't believe it, here it is straight from the horse's own mouth ...

She's a cackling idiot. And, all this "JOY" bullshit is just the Democratic Party's favorite new word to cover up for Kamala's incessant, insane and often inappropriate cackling. Simpletons and village idiots are very often said to have "joy" as well.

As is any more proof were needed to show that Kamala and her running-mate, Tim Walz are a pair of idiots who don't know what they're doing, there's this ...

So ... what's the solution? What's the answer? How do we prevent more of the same and put our nation on the road to recovery? You already know the answer to that ...



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