Green Energy Is A Boondoggle, And Climate Change A Scam
Green energy is a boondoggle, and Climate Change is a SCAM.
Solar panels and wind turbines are nowhere near equal the power of coal-fired plants. We currently have 600 coal-fired power plants in the United States, and it would take 460+ wind turbines (25 sq mi) or 5 sq miles of solar panels to produce the same energy as JUST ONE AVERAGE 1000MW COAL-FIRED PLANT. Now just imagine the massive real estate, and ecological, environmental, and wildlife damage involved in matching JUST the BASE POWER of these current 600 coal-fired plants! And, forget about growing energy for the future!
How much wildlife and ecology was destroyed by this Chinese solar farm. Would you want to have to look at a blight like this every day? I wouldn't.
Just meeting our base requirements with green energy would be a catastrophe! Blinding pilots, and chopping up and cooking birds, and where could you put it all? Green energy's a nice idea, but that's all it is. It's at least 20 to 40 years away from being "every day"'
And NOW, we DO have real-world clean coal technology. Petra Nova in Houston is a CLEAN COAL-fired power plant producing 600MW of real-world power. And then there's nuclear power. Green energy is a nice idea, but that that's all it is. Green energy is at *best* supplemental.
Green energy is a nice idea, but we need to be pragmatic and looking to fulfill our major energy needs from realistic and viable sources like clean coal (which, again, is actually here now!) as well as nuclear power. Any meaningful "every day" reliance upon green energy is at least 20 to 40 years away. Another thing many people don't realize is that "Green Energy" is NOT actually "green"! Far from it, in fact ...
1) Wind Turbines:
2) Solar Panels:
Then you have to take into account all the coal that's needed to smelt the steel to make the turbines. as well as the rebar that holds them up. It takes over 600 metric tons of concrete to build a footing for them, while the manufacture of concrete is responsible for the almost 10% of the world's CO2.
Scotland cut down 16 million trees to build wind-farms. Sixteen million!
Another alarming fact is that the concrete and rebar used to build these monstrosities are never removed or recycled. It all remains in the ground, polluting the soil. So, ...... what "green energy" does is to give us new major environmental problems to deal with; like the following ...
Climate change is nothing but a power and money scam held together by scare tactics based on lies and deception. Just ask Al Gore Jr! Here are 50 years of FAILED bullshit eco-pocalyptic predictions by these idiot climate alarmists.

Here's the truth of what's really going on ...

Lastly, something to think about ...
