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Joe Biden is a Racist Dixiecrat and Always Has Been

Biden's a racist and always has been.

I think it's both interesting and telling that Joe Biden chooses to use the word "JUNGLE" here not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES in just ONE sentence when referring to blacks and black neighborhoods! I'm not sure about others, but in my experience, this speaks to a very strong conviction regarding something he feels is extremely pressing to get across.

And, then there's these extremely racist comments of his in 1993 regarding his Crime Bill...

"THEY haven't been socialized...THEY will become the PREDATORS ... Madam President, we have PREDATORS on OUR streets … THEY are beyond the pale ... We have NO choice but to take THEM out of society."

Who is this "they" he keeps referring to? Who does he want to take out of society? You know. Everyone knows. There are tons of additional racist comments he made at this session, and here rae his full 12 minutes before the Senate President. BTW, C-Span has removed the video for trhe Senate Session, and replaced it with a "user-created clip" that has all of Biden;s racist and offensive comments taken out, however, I poked and prodded into every cornor of the internet, was able to find this copy. Shame on you, C-Span, it appears that we can't even trust you now.

In 1975 Biden embraced racial segregation and segregationists citing the old bullshit Dixiecrat/KKK justification that segregation was GOOD for blacks as well as whites!

Joe Biden in 1975 on Dixiecrat George Wallace:

And, the admiration between Joe Biden and George Wallace went both ways. Joe openly boasted not only of Wallace's praise for him and presentation of an award, but also his [Biden's] own Dixiecrat/Confederacy heritage and that they took the South's side during the Civil War!

In 1987 Joe Biden bragged about having received an award from racist Dixiecrat George Wallace, and proudly said "We [Delawareans] were on the South's side in the Civil War." Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 20, 1987

Even NBC News covered Joe Biden's history of racism:

In 1979 Biden voted to protect tax-exempt status of private segregated schools"

The Senate record shows that in 1985 Joe Biden used the N-word 13 times on the Senate floor. Why was it so necessary to say it so many times, Joe? Most of us wouldn't say it even once!

In '88 Biden praised racist Dixiecrat segregationist John Stennis as a "man of character," even after Stennis sought to oppose Brown v. Board of Education with The Southern Manifesto. Joe Biden often proudly bragged about John Stennis gifting him the table on which the Southern Manifesto was signed.

During a 1993 Senate hearing he referred to the 'Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC)', an organization which has close ties to the Ku Klux Klan and is committed to preserving Confederate statues as "fine people".

Here he is on August 23rd, 1994 arguing before the Senate for "midnight basketball" programs for black youths citing that this will keep them from "... being out raping my mother, marauding me, robbing the local store". Sorry, for the bad quality clip, but the internet seems to have scrubbed all other copies of it:

Of course, due to the extremely poor quality of this particular video clip, some may reasonably question if he actually said this, and a look at the transcript of the official Congressional Record for August 23rd, 1994 shows that he indeed did say this.

That's just plain straight-up racist.

He has referred to Jewish people in derogatory racist terms such as "shylocks", and in 2019 he made this outrageous racist comment:

See what he did there? And, in the same year, he told a group that that black parents can't read or write:

During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, he had this back-handed racist comment to make on how he managed to survive:

Here's video of Biden using the N-word, making a racist comment about Indians/Pakistanians, and more...

We also know of five times that Joe Biden endorsed known and active KKK leaders:

Don't forget Biden's glowing eulogy at the funeral of his friend and mentor, former KKK leader/Exalted Cyclops Senator Robert Byrd (D–WV) in 2010.

And of course, that endorsement goes both ways. Neo-Nazi and white supremacist Richard Spenser (who has on numerous occasions expressed his dislike of the GOP and President Trump) OFFICIALLY endorsed Joe Biden for president in 2020 ... not just once, but TWICE! Guess he knows a fellow racist when he sees one.

In this very creepy and pedophilic 2020 presidential campaign speech, he seems to imply that black kids are "roaches"! ...

So do we know what exactly Joe Biden meant or was referring to when he said "... SO I LEARNED ABOUT ROACHES"? Yes we do, thanks to Judge Joe Brown (an eyewitness)! He provides context and conformation that Joe Biden was in fact referring to black kids! Yup! Joe Biden calls black children "ROACHES"...

In 1972, Judge Joe Brown heard Joe Biden say in a speech before a DC thinktank attended by prominent Dixiecrats of the day (Eastland, Stennis, Faubus, Wallace, and Byrd) "Negro children are like ROACHES, If they are allowed to integrate the schools they will infest them, and they will never be gotten out.". This has the ring of truth to it as Biden has publicly made simular statements, albeit not as coached in racist rhetoric as this instance. This dovetails with Biden's poolside slip-up "So, I learned about ROACHES ..." when talking about black children in the video above.

In 2012, he told a black audience, "they gonna put ya'll back in chains!". A bad enough statement to make, but he had to coach it what he thinks is a black dialect. He doesn't normally speak like this, but in front of black audiences he does.

Also in 2012, he slipped and started talking in a fake Indian accent, when talking to a group about Call Centers. He corrected himself, but too late. We had already heard it.

Then there's the infamous incident of Joe Biden telling black people "You ain't black" if they didn't vote for him. Also ask yourself why is he suddenly using the word "ain't" for this comment when it's not a word he uses in his everyday speech? You know why.

Here we have Joe Biden recently commenting that Asians all look alike! Wow!

Also in 2020 during his televised Town Hall, Joe Biden implied that blacks and Hispanics were not smart enough to use the internet or to know how to get online.

More recently, Biden slammed the Irish with racist remarks during a St. Patty's Day luncheon, saying that he wasn't Irish because he was sober and didn't have relatives in prison (although that may change soon enough). These are two racist tropes that hearken back to the days of "Irish Need Not Apply".

In the following video, Mark Levin makes a very compelling case proving that Joe Biden is a life-long racist and Jim Crow Dixiecrat.

In 2023, while speaking at Prince George’s Community College on his polices, he informed the attendees "... particularly for African Americans and Hispanic workers and veterans — you know, the workers without high school diplomas"

On September 23rd, 2023 at the 2023 Phoenix Awards Dinner at the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC, Joe Biden slipped and called rapper/actor LL Cool J "BOY"!

More recently, at a July 2024 Campaign Rally in Madison. Wisconsin. Joe Biden deliberitely passed over a black female supporter. The real kicker is that, before the rally began, they had brought her down forward from the top back row to the front where she could be seen by the cameras. They treated this poor girl like a token, and nothing more than that.

THEN there's the uncomfortable comments in the above speech which Joe makes about kids rubbing his legs underwater and how he loves kids jumping on his lap which brings up the subject of Joe Biden being a PEDOPHILE! Here, the C-SPAN camera catches Joe Biden in the act of fondling a little girl's breast! Watch her reaction to this! She's clearly feeling the "Stranger Danger"!

And very recently we got confirmation of the victim herself; the little girl seen being molested by Biden in the above C-SPAN video that Joe Biden was indeed groping her and pinching her nipple!

Then we have this C-SPAN video where the camera catches Joe Biden in the act of forcing a little girl's hand to rub his crotch!

Then there are all the public displays of Joe Biden's inappropriate touching, closeness, and sniffing over the years, especially when it comes to children ...

Even more disturbing are entries in Joe Biden's daughter Ashley Biden's diary revealing that her father (Joe) had sexually abused her as a teen along with another girl, and that Joe had taken "not appropriate showers" (read naked) with her!

And, these are not just isolated cases. There are dozens of such examples of Joe Biden's pedophilia, as outlined in the following thread ...

So A CHALLENGE to ALL Democrats; Knowing this, how is Biden not a racist? Knowing this, how can you support Joe Biden?

Lastly, just to head off all the 'Whataboutism' trolls who will naturally try to point to President Trump, know that President Trump is NOT a racist, nor has he ever been a racist. Proof ...



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