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Kamala Harris Is Ineligible To Be POTUS

And, this is for one very straight-forward and simple reason ... SHE IS NOT A NATURAL-BORN-CITIZEN, as REQUIRED by Article II, Section 1; the Natural-born Citizen Clause of our Constitution.

Kamala's parents migrated as foreign citizens to America in the early 1960s. 1960 for her mother, an Indian citizen, and 1961 for her father, a Jamaican citizen. Kamala herself was born in 1964. This means that her parents were NOT U.S. citizens at the time of her birth, and U.S. Naturalism Laws MANDATE that you be a permanent U.S. resident for 5 years before you can even apply for citizenship. Kamala's birthdate would have to have been — at the earliest — in 1965 to be a U.S. citizen, and 1966 to Be a Natural-Born-Citizen.

Now, let's take a look at the exact meaning of the term "Natural-Born Citizen" as our Founding Fathers understood it when they chose to specify it in our Constitution. A point to note is that because it IS specified there as being different from mere citizenship, it's made clear that just being a citizen alone is insufficient to be POTUS.

The meaning of Natural-Born-Citizen as our highly-learned, and highly-educated founders understood it; is to be born on U.S. soil to parents who are both U.S. Citizens. This includes U.S. military bases and embassies.

Here are a few well-sourced and ANNOTATED quotes and web links on the definition of "Natural-Born Citizen."

"The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens." — Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations (1758)

"The citizenship of no man could be previous to the Declaration of Independence, and, as a natural right, belongs to none but those who have been born of citizens since the 4th of July 1776." — David Ramsey, A Dissertation On The Manner Of Acquiring The Character & Privileges Of A Citizen Of The United States (1789), South Carolina Delegate to the Continental Congress

Natural Born Citizen explained by Joanna Martin, J.D./The Publius Huldah, and

Professor. Pamela S. Karlan/Stanford Law:

The Dirty "little" Secret Of The Natural Born Citizen Clause Revealed:

Defining Natural-Born Citizen:

The Naturalization Act of 1795:

The Naturalization Act of 1795—United States Congress, "An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization" (March 26, 1790):

Vattel's "Law of Nations' Is the Key, and It Is Now Verified" Updated with Footnote at the Conclusion:

Vattel's Influence on the term "a Natural Born Citizen":

Synopsis of Vattel's Law of Nations:

Article II Facts:

Citizen-at-Birth does NOT equal Natural-Born Citizen:

Natural Born Citizen Crisis: Presidential Usurpation:

The Supreme Court of the United States defined Natural-Born-Citizen as being born on US soil to parents who are both US citizens in the infamous 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford decision. However, Dred Scott was overturned for OTHER obvious reasons that are not related to questions of citizenship.

And, lastly, here's an excellent X-post from @GOP_is_Gutless on David Ramsay, who was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and his essay on the precise definition of Natural-Born Citizen:

There you have it. The definitive definition of "Natural-Born-Citizen" from the preeminent international lawyer and political theorist of that time; a Delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1787; and a SCOTUS decision.

It means born on U.S. soil to parents who are BOTH U.S. Citizens.

And, if the above is not reason enough for you that Kamala Harris should NOT be made POTUS, also realize that she is an IDIOT. Her gift for speaking to the issues is limited to circular word salads, highlighting just how little effort she puts into working. With Harris, the wheels are spinning, but there's only the smell of burning rubber. Watch ...

Recent talk surrounding the massive failures at the border have Democrats scrambling, and rushing to social media and their favored news outlets to falsely claiming that Kamala Harris was not in charge of the border ... well, there's nothing like having DOCUMENTED FACTS at one's disposal, is there?

Kamala Harris both WAS and IS in charge of the border!

On March 24, 2021, just 63 days after taking office, Joe Biden appointed Kamala Harris toi be in charge of our Southern border:

And lastly, Kamala Harris is a person of low moral fiber, who basically slept her way to the top; an overly ambitious call-girl and arm bracelet. Here's Judge Joe Brown dishing on what he knows about Kamala (and then Joe Biden). Be forewarned that this interview is rather rude and crude, but its also very eye-opening.

'Nuff said.



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