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PROOF That E. Jean Carroll Is a Liar,

E. Jean Carroll's clam of rape is simply NOT credible. First, her story mirrors an episode of 'Law and Order', and by her own admission she's somewhat of a TV addict. She told no one and said nothing for 24 years, only to come forward just before an election? Her history of insane TDS posts, and NYC changing the Law just to allow her case, puts this in clear Fake News/Witch Hunt territory.

Consider that she tweeted that her favorite show was 'The Apprentice' with Donald Trump. Isn't .that odd? In what universe would a show hosted by your alleged attacker be your favorite? Makes NO sense. She also told no one about the rape (her own original admission) and said nothing for 24 years, only to suddenly come forward in 2019 during the beginning of an election cycle? After this fact was brought up, she suddenly found a friend to testify that she did tell her. This is total contradiction of her past statement that she told no one.

She has a history of insane political TDS-deranged posts (with never a mention of any attack) both times when Trump was running for President. And, outside a single PR picture of a meeting at a public event, she has never once provided any evidence that Trump personally knew her or even met with her, let alone made any physical contact with her.

The Donna Karan jacket dress that she claims to have been wearing when the assault tool place wasn't in existence or available at the time she claimed the event happened. She first claimed in her 2019 New York Magazine article that the incident occurred in 1994, and even posed in the jacket dress for the both the article and cover, claiming that it had been in her closet, untouched, and never looked at it again until the writing of her article. When sharp New York Magazine readers pointed out that her Donna Karan jacket dress was not made or even sold in 1994, she changed her story and the year to 1995, and when it was once again pointed out to her that it wasn't available in 1995 either, she once again changed her story claimed it was 1996. See a pattern here? What rape victim forgets the date, let alone the year? The hallmark of a truthful statement is that it never changes. Unlike with a lie, it doesn't have to. And, since when is a Bergdorf Goodman women's dressing room unmanned? Regular patrons have said there are ALWAYS employees stationed that the dressing rooms, and that they've never seen anyone not stationed there.

Trump keeps a detailed daily calendar, and Carroll's inability to name a date let alone the year (it was '94, or '95, or '96, she says) prevents Trump from defending himself, and has allowed Carroll to deceptively use the dress as "evidence", when it's clearly not. She also lied, claiming that no one else was behind or financing her Lawsuit against Trump. It turns out, however, it was notorious Trump-haters George Conway and Democrat donor billionaire Reid Hoffman who were working together with her, talking her into suing Trump, advising her, and funding her Lawsuit. And, in response to her claim and sudden "desire" to come forward, NYC Democrat politicians went into high gear to get around the legal statute of limitations by writing and passing the 'Adult Survivors Act' allowing sexual assault victims a 1-year window in which to file a civil suit (how convenient!). Clearly, this is all a purely political move to derail Trump's run for President.


One more thing that both Carroll and the media have been very quiet about is that Carroll has previously accused six other men — a babysitter’s boyfriend, a dentist, a camp counselor, an unnamed college date, an unnamed boss, and former CBS chief executive Les Moonves of sexual assault and/or rape. Are you seeing a pattern, here?

Carroll alleges that, during an interview for an Esquire profile in 1997, Moonves allegedly groped her in an elevator at the Hotel Nikko in Beverly Hills. She characterized his actions as aggressive, comparing him to an "octopus" due to his manner of touching her. Moonves has emphatically denied these allegations. Considering that elevator rides are very short, have CCTV cameras, and the risk of stopping at any time on any floor causes me to very much doubt her story.

All these facts, taken all together, reflect serious doubt of her claims, and her sanity as her at-home interview with ELLE shows. It's impossible to deny that the facts show that Trump NEVER raped her, and we also know the original trial was TAINTED and SHOULD have been thrown out.

E. Jean Carroll is not credible, and is quite possibly INSANE.

Lastly, just for good measure, the story of Trump and Epstein raping a 13-year-old is FAKE as well. It NEVER happened. She lied, got caught, and her multiple cases were dismissed.

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