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Stormy Daniels' Claims and NYC AG Bragg's Hush-Money Case Are Pure 100% Bullshit

President Trump never touched or paid hush-money to Stormy Daniels. Cohen never told Trump when she made her claim. He remortgaged his house to pay her off, and then over-billed Trump. Stormy Daniels publicly stated previous that an affair never happened, and Michael Cohen publicly stated that he NEVER told Trump about the payment. Facsimiles of both their personal sworn statement letters are right here:

Stormy Daniel's sworn statement that she and Trump never had an affair.

Michael Cohen's worn statement that he never told Trump about the payment to Stormy Daniels

Ex-Stormy Daniels attorney, Michael Avenatti, has alleged that Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen were having an affair since 2006 (which explains a lot). Avenatti has also recently tweeted that Keith Davidson, one of AG Bragg's two key prosecution witnesses (the other is Michael Cohen, who unsurprisingly won't testify) is lying, and that Davidson was working with Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen to "shakedown" and extort money from Trump which is why he fired her as a client (for which she later tried to sue him)

Avenatti has also stated that he's ready and willing to testify on Trump's behalf. These claims by Avenatti suddenly makes all the various parts and contradictions of her scam story line up, fall into place, and make perfect sense (one of the classic signs of a truth being told). And, before anyone goes off yelling "smoking gun!" about the lone photo of Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump together; ask yourself, 'what exactly does that photo prove'? The answer, of course, is NOTHING. Nothing more than that they met on at least one occasion, and at a public event. Not a surprise revelation when you account for the fact that she was being considered for a contestant spot on Trump's show 'The Apprentice'.

The classic hallmark of a lie is that, for whatever reason, the story changes, and that is most certainly true on the part of the accusers here. They keep changing the story to suit whatever narrative they need to advance at the moment. The truth, on the other hand, NEVER changes its story. It doesn't need to. It doesn't need to because it's a factual recounting of events as they actually happened. Here, is one recent example of Stormy Daniels changing her story that was caught by Bill Maher on his show:

This whole bullshit charge of Trump falsifying records has no merit even on the face of it. And even IF he did (which he didn't – remember that Cohen did and didn't tell Trump), it's only a misdemeanor and NOT a felony, AND it's a misdemeanor that is beyond the Statute of Limitations. This is why every single Judge that Alvin Bragg approached refused to handle this case. That is, until Bragg was able to find the deranged Trump-hating Juan M. Merchan, who was more-than-willing to look the other way when it came to actual Law if it meant a chance at "getting Trump".

In addition to all of the above, Donald Trump is a well-known germaphobe, so it's highly doubtful that he would ever touch a pornstar skank like Daniels. For example, Trump was asked by Robin Givens on the Howard Stern Show if he would rather sleep with Pamela Anderson, Rosie O'Donnell, or Whoopi Goldberg. At the time, Anderson was rumored to have hepatitis, so Trump answered with any hesitation "Whoopi or Rosie". So, if he wouldn't touch Pamela Anderson who is far and away more desirable than either of the other two because of a rumor, he most certainly wouldn't stoop so low as to touch a walking bag-of-diseases like Stormy Daniels (or have Russian prostitutes pee on his bed - another "story" that's been debunked as a LIE).

The critical mistake that Stormy Daniels has made that blows her story completely to smithereens, shows Avenatti's claim to be very likely, and proves her story is all a LIE:



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