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Democrats and Republicans Never Switched Parties

History is CARVED IN STONE, and the FACTS are that Democrats were the Party of slavery; the KKK, Jim Crow; segregation, ANTI-Civil Rights; cross-burnings, lynchings, etc, The Republican Party was founded in 1854 by Abolitionists, Free Soilers, and the antislavery faction of the Whig Party with the express mission of ending the Democrat's institution of slavery in the United States. Here's a facsimile of the official Republican Platform of 1856 and its primary message is the abolition of all slavery in the United States of America. It was under this platform that Abraham Lincoln became the nation's first Republican President:

Another fact is that NO Republican has ever owned a slave or been a member of the KKK. Nor did the Parties switch sides after the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Acts in 1964. The proof lies in the unequivocal fact that out of hundreds of Federal Congressmen at that time, only 2 Democrats switched parties, and both of them switched NOT because of the Civil Rights Act or that they felt that — suddenly, counter to over a hundred years of history — the Republicans were now more racist than their own Parties (BTW, it was Congressional Republicans who wrote and passed those bill, not Democrats), but because they were concerned with the Democratic Party's ever-increasing embrace of Socialism and Communism, as well as Fascist polices increasingly dominating the Party. They viewed Republicans, and more specifically Senator Barry Goldwater, as being more properly opposed to Communism and Fascism. This is clearly stated in Senator Thurmond's famous 1964 speech, given upon leaving the Democratic Party:

So, out of literally hundreds of Federal U.S. Congressmen, it was ONLY Senator Strom Thurmond in 1964:

... and, U.S. Rep Albert Watson in 1965 who switched sides. Watson, proclaiming that he would "not sit around and be bullied by northern liberals!":

Out of 1,500+ Democratic politicians in the United States, just a dozen switched parties at the time, and again, Socialism and Communism were the driving reasons. That's it. Less than 1% (0.8%) of Dixiecrats switched parties after the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964.


It's clear that it's the DEMOCRATS and NOT Republicans who are the party of racism and slavery, and a that a fabled "party switch" quite simple never happened.



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