There Was No Insurrection On January 6th Nor Did President Trump Plan Or Incite One
There was NO insurrection on January 6th, nor was any attempt made to overthrow the government; nor did President Trump plan or attempt to incite a riot; nor were protesters armed; nor did they storm the Capitol Building. The Department of Justice's investigative report concluded there was no insurrection.
And in addition to the exoneration by the DOJ, the FBI's own reports state that there was no insurrection and "scant evidence" to suggest that the events of January 6 resulted from an "organized plot", and there's no evidence that President Trump was behind organizing one.
FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6
A Pentagon memo of a meeting between President Trump, Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, and General Milley proves that President Trump never planned for or tried to incite any "insurrection" or riot.
And, don't forget that the U.S. Senate acquitted President Trump of insurrection charges in the Senate Impeachment Trial brought on by House Democrats. House Democrats failed to make their case because, quite frankly, they didn't have one to begin with.
The US Capitol Police opened the doors for the Trump/MAGA protesters and guided them like they were an everyday tour group, and that is how most of them conducted themselves-walking calmly through the building and taking care to stay behind the ropes.
The magnetic door locks on Capitol building doors are LITERALLY UNBREACHABLE and cannot be disabled or defeated from the outside. They cannot be unlocked by anyone other than security who has sole access to the switch. The Capitol doors were magnetically locked and then suddenly ... they were NOT.
As pointed out above, those Trump/MAGA protesters who did enter the building were well-behaved and followed the directions of the Capitol Police. In the following video, protesters walk calmly through the Capitol Rotunda, staying strictly between the ropes taking pictures and selfies as Capitol Police calmly look on. This is not how an unruly mob intent on overthrowing the government conducts itself.
As Norm Macdonald put it ...

Here are more CCTV captures from inside the Capitol Building that day with protestors being escorted and lead through the building by Capitol Police as if they were a tour group.
The J6 Tapes were finally released on November 17, 2023 by House Speaker Mike Johnson, and can be viewed here:
And, we have video of Feds and Capitol Police play acting, setting up "evidence", and admitting to posing as members of the crowd.
Fed Agent: "... when we go undercover as Antifa in the crowd"
Here's a handcuffed "Trump protestor" being led to a check-in station, uncuffed, fist bumped, and just let go (in the opposote direction from wence they came)! His friend/companion is also fist-bumped before heading off chatting away with the arresting officer back they way they came. I can't say what exactly is going on here, but this looks to me like the end of some sort of play acting. Whatever else, this is not normal behavior and highly suspicious.
And, a "Trump protestor", in a bright red MAGA hat flashes his badge at a Capitol Police check-point. Hmmm,
Here we see Capitol Police waving and herding Trump/MAGA Protesters into the Capitol Building, as reported by many of the attendees that day.
And, here's more video of Capitol Police opening doors and letting the protesters into the Capitol Building. Video from the outside the building ...
And from the inside the building ...
Meanwhile, there is video that shows us those who actually did break into the Capitol Building, and that they were Antifa. Note the Antifa "black-bloc" uniforms, as well as an Anarchy symbol on one of the shirts. These are NOT Trump/MAGA protesters. Could this be the reason why the FBI refuses to release the bulk of the video from that day?
U.S. Representative Clay Higgens (R-LA) is on record that there were at least 200 FBI agents in the crowd pretending to be Trump supporters.
And, this well narrated blow-by-blow video provides undeniaable and damning PROOF of an organized Antifa group attempting to break into the Capitol Building while MAGA supporters attempt to stop them:
Video taken outside the Capitol Building shows us Antifa infiltrators (NOT Trump protesters) trying to force their way into the Capitol Building as the Trump/MAGA protesters attempt to stop them by pulling and pushing them back as the crowd loudly chants "F**k Antifa!" and "BOO!".
Here we see the Trump/MAGA protesters actively pulling Black-Block Antifa infiltrators down and away from the building in an effort to stop them from breaking windows and storming the Capitol Building.
Here a Trump protester begs Capitol Police in vain to intervene and stop these ANTIFA infiltrators from breaking into the Capitol Building.
Here are people inside the Capitol Building passing weapons through an unbroken window to "protestors" outside. Very suspicious.
Antifa infiltrators were caught and filmed hiding in the bushes beside the Capitol Building to change into the MAGA gear which they had just purchased ...
The following link is documentation is of 20 individuals present at the Capitol Building that day who are all connected to ANTIFA and other far Left groups ...
And, the now infamous "man with a Confederate flag" seen walking through the Capitol Building on January 6th?

That man is Kevin Seefied of Wilmington, Delaware
... and he's a registered Democrat. Not a Trump supporter, and not MAGA, but a Democrat operative! A plant.

Recently released video shows that the J6 protestors were protesting at a respectful distance from the front of the Capitol Building, and holding that line UNTIL Capitol Police started firing tear gas into the crowd without provocation or just cause. It was ONLY THEN that the protestor line moved toward the Capitol Building as people ran and scrambled to get away from the tear gas! There's your "surge"! We ALSO get to see that Capitol Police gassed themselves! Another lie busted.
But how did it all really start? Who were the instigators/organizers behind those few who acted up? Meet Ray Epps ...
Meet Ray Epps Part 1:
Meet Ray Epps Part 2:
Here's more about Ray Epps and other unindicted co-conspirators. Why hasn't the FBI swept them up? Why did the FBI erase all trace of them from their 'Wanted' web-site? What are they trying to hide? That Ray Epps is a Federal informant operating under FBI orders?
Here we have an eyewitness who recalls seeing Epps removing 2x4 lumber and seize weapons from a utility hatch at the U.S. Capitol building and expressing concern that a fast moving crowd would, "f*** up the plan".
Most recently, a text was produced during Ray Epps testimony to the J6 committee where his is admitting to his nephew that he orchestrated the inflitration of the Capitol Building. And yet, Ray Epps remains free and apparantly untouchable. Why is that?

And, here is recently released footage of Ray Epps leading the breach of the Capitol Building. Why is this man free while others who took no part in the breach have been rotting in prison the past 2+ years? Why is the FBI protecting him?
How about the infamouse "Scaffold Command" who was urging the protesters to climb the steps of the Capitol Building and move forward? Well, research shows that that individual is John Nichols — an activist Leftist writer for 'The Nation", 'The Progressive', and other Left-wing publications; A Bernie Sanders campaign staffer, and co-author of several books by Bernie Sanders. Can you say 'plant"?
Is it just mere conjecture to report that the Feds were there that day pretending to be protesters? Nope! Not anymore since the DOJ admitted to it. Now the questions are, just how many were there, and what exactly were their orders?
This is admission of a crime by the DOJ.
Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who is non-partisan, told Tucker Carlson in an interview (which Fox never aired) that "the crowd was filled with Federal agents!". Watch .,
Article 645 -Entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."
Knowing this leads us to ask why Nancy Pelosi refused President Trump's offer to call in 10K National Guard troops to guard the Capitol Building, as revealed by the Acting Secretary of Defense. This also begs the logical question; If President Trump really wanted an insurrection, then why would he have even made the offer?

General Kellogg testified before the J6 Committee that President Trump did request for National Guard troops and that he was in the room when the request was made. He is also requesting that the J6 Committee release the transcript of his testimony. But so far they've refused. Why is that? You know why.
And, here's further that President Trump offered 10K National Guard troops for protection just 4 days prior to January 6th, and that the offer was refused.
Trump's acting Defense Secretary, Chris Miller says that he was threatened by the J6 Committee to remain silient about President Trump authorizing the National Guard.
More recently, video, taken by Nancy Pelosi's reported dughter, has surfaced with Nancy Pelosu taking direct responsibility for refusing the National Guard and not being in satate of preparedness as is her duty.
So, Pelosi not only denied President Trump's offer for 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol Building, but she ALSO denied SIX requests from Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund (who was shortly later made to step down by Nancy Pelosi)
And what about all those photos of Trump/MAGA protesters among tear gas smoke and flash bangs looking like the middle of a war zone? The smoke, the lights, the flash bangs were all the doing of the Capitol Police not the protesters. In fact, here is a video of that crowd standing around just literal minutes before Capitol Police started throwing grenades into their midst. They were being peaceful. There was no reason for Capitol Police to start targeting them with such ordanince! None!
... and
"Report: Capitol Police incited Jan. 6 crowd by firing flash bangs, tear gas"
Simply looking at the timeline proves President Trump did not send supporters down to the Capitol Building to riot. President Trump's speech site was a 45 to 55 minute walk from the Capitol Building, and the breach started before Trump's speech had ended.

In addition, President Trump never once uttered any words inciting insurrection of a call to "ovethrow the government". What he did do was to avise rally attendees and protestors to be peaceful, and respect police at all times.
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building TO PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD."
He also took to Twitter to ask protestors be peaceful, to be espectful of police, and for NO violence ...

His first video was posted at 1:17 PM on January 6 JUST 6 MINUTES after concluding his speech. In it he calls upon on protesters to "be peaceful", "go home", and to respect the police. Twitter deleted the video to help that false narrative that President Trump did nothing but sit back and encourage the violence, but thankfully this archive PROVES that he DID address protesters and try to maintain the peace. immediately after learning what was happening.
The video:
The archive source:
These are NOT the words or actions of someone who is spurring supporters to "insurection" or to "overthrow the government" as Democrats and the Left would have you believe.
As for the lies that there were calls for violence in President Trump's speech; here is the full transcript of President Trump's January 6th 2021 speech:
There are NO calls for violence and NO inciting in those words..
As for President Trump's "fight like hell" comment — he was quoting a conversation which he had prior in the oval office and his reaction to reports of election fraud. He was describing his own subjective experience to the crowd not inciting them to "overthrow the government". Full context is in the above speech transcript link.
Another popular lie from the Left and Democrats is that the Trump family was gathered together in a tent and remarking in an incriminating way on the riot as they organized its unfolding. However, the facts are that that video of the Trump family tent gathering was filmed before the Capitol riot not during.
There are those who falsely claim that President Trump was "inciting" because he failed to tell the protestors to stop and to go home, but that's an outright LIE as well. Immediately after his January 6th speech and upon learning about what was happening at the Capitol building , President Trump posted a video to Twitter urging the protestors to "go home", to "be peaceful", and to not participate in any violence. This archive of President Trump's video plea to protestors to be peaceful and to go home shows that it was posted at 1:17PM EST on January 6th, just 6 minutes after Trump had concluded his speech. Corntrary to the Leftist narrative, President Trump's response was IMMEDIATE.
Of course, Twitter took promptly took the video down, banned President Trump, and deleted all his tweets preventing anyone from seeing it, making Twitter complicit in the bullshit "insurrection" lie..
The actions of the Trump/MAGA protesters on January 6th are not what insurrections look like. None of the MAGA protesters were armed nor were they carrying weapons of any sort, and there has never been an insurrection in all of recorded history untaken by unarmed people.
What insurrections actually look like is what Antifa and BLM did in Washington DC in June of 2020.

Here's the 2017 J20 Trump Inauguration Day riots for which Democrats did nothing, and still refuse to even acknowledge. Why is that? That was an actual attempt by the Left and Democrats at an insurrection.
Anyone remember the Left's occupation if the Capitol Building in 2018 for the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and all the attendant violence and disruption they caused?

Or Leftist Riots in May 2020 when far-left rioters attempted to storm the White House and burn it down. Many in the mob called for President Trump to be lynched.
Or when Leftist Susan Rosenberg bombed the U.S. Senator Chamber in an attempt to assassinate Republican Senators, and whi was later pardoned by President Bill Clinton at the instience of Democrat U.S, RepresentativJerry Nadler. Susan Rosenberg is now a board member of Black Lives Matter (BLM).

Here are 8 additional times when Left-wing protesters broke into government buildings and assaulted democracy.
And, now that Elon Musk has restored President Trump's full Twitter account we are finally able to see for ourselves that, contrary to all the Democrat's lies, President Trump did NOT use his Twtter to incite his supporters to insurrection or rioting, and in fact, called for peace and calm, and for everyone to go home.
Now that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has finally released the 41,000 hours of J6 video footage which Pelosi, Democrats, and the J6 Investigative Committe attempted to hide from us, we can see that all the Democrat's claims of an innsurrection against the United States and the Capitol Building were not only untrue, but a deliberate LIE (obviously aimed at destroying Trump and the MAGA movement). And. make no mistake, their lies were deliberate. Never forget that they themselves had full access to these tapes and watched them.
Now, we have video of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and AOC deciding to frame the protesters. When you watch the video, keep in mind that AOC was in another building six blocks away from the Capitol Building, and that there were NO protesters at the building she was in nor was it ever breached. She made her whole "ordeal" up. Her claims are a complete fabrication.
For me, the most interesting and telling comments from the video are the following:
Nancy Pelosi: "It was a mostly peaceful protest."
AOC: "I don't care why they were there, violence, non-violence, doesn't matter. We can't allow those who showed up to get away with it."
... and
Nancy Pelosi: "If we don't put an end to this now ['this' being "a mostly peaceful protest"], there will be more of this. We must send a signal to the American people that we are in charge."
Funny how there's no record of them talking like this when it came to all the violent BLM and Antifa protests in Washington, D.C. against President Trump. For those protests there was nothing but gushing praise from them.
And, now we have at least one solid example proving that Democrats and George Soros-funded outfits are paying social media influencers to lie about what happened on January 6th. Thank you, Atty Preston Moore for having the principles and morals to say "no", and expose the attempt. How many more do you think said, "yes"? As more examples come to light, they will be posted here.
So just to recap ... this is not what an insurrection looks like ...
THIS is what an insurrection looks like ...

This entire "insurrection" HOAX is Democrats doing what the Nazis did with the Reichstadt fire — staging a fake crisis by which to grab power away from their political opponents. Do you recall what the very first thing Democrats did after advancing this LIE of theirs?
They used it to militarize Washington DC to stand against We The People.

Any additional, new, ongoing, or updated resources on the events of January 6th, 2021 will be posted HERE.