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Yes, Capitalism Is Good And Socialism Is Bad

It may not be perfect, but no other economic system in history has created more wealth for more people; has created more equality or lifted more people out of poverty, hunger, ignorance, disease, and the fear of darkness; has improved or saved more lives; has brought about more scientific discovery, technological advancement, knowledge and enlightenment; has created more peace, goodwill, and freedom; or has been a greater patron to the arts and the human condition than Capitalism.

Socialism, on the other hand, is the taking of personal/private property, and if you don't have the absolute right to your own property then you do NOT have Liberty. Capitalism was born alongside the birth of America, and both are rooted in property rights and Liberty. Socialism is greed for other's money and property. Socialism creates nothing except oppression and dependencies.

There is no more apt description of Socialism than what is found in Ole Hanson's 'Americansim Verses Bolshevism' (1920)

"In searching the pages of its brief but eventful history I could find no more terrific indictment of bolshevism and I. W. W.’ism than its own authoritative records, which prove conclusively that bolshevism is the autocratic rule of the lowest, least intelligent, least able class who believe that by “direct action” and “force” they can terrorize our people into turning over to them the conduct, ownership, and control of every thing. Strikingly ignorant, malignantly cruel, with no concept of history, with but an elementary knowledge of social production, with little productive capacity, with no constructive ability, this movement in our country would be ludicrous were it not for the sentimental, weak-minded followers who, steeped in idealism and fanaticism, really believe in a bolshevik Utopia, where free milk will run in the water mains and life may be supported without toil, where knowledge may be gained without effort, and where the established truths of the centuries will be overthrown by soviet resolutions.

With syndicalism — and its youngest child, bolshevism — thrive murder, rape, pillage, arson, free love, poverty, want, starvation, filth, slavery, autocracy, suppression, sorrow and Hell on earth. It is a class government of the unable, the unfit, the untrained; of the scum, of the dregs, of the cruel, and of the failures. Freedom disappears, liberty emigrates, universal suffrage is abolished, progress ceases, manhood and womanhood are destroyed, decency and fair dealing are forgotten, and a militant minority, great only in their self-conceit, reincarnate under the Dictatorship of the Proletariat a greater tyranny than ever existed under czar, emperor, or potentate."

Capitalism, on the other hand, was born alongside the birth of America, and both are rooted in the advancement and protection of the property rights and Liberty of the individual over the government. It was born of the (then) radical ideas and theories of Adam Smith. Ideas that profoundly affected and influenced our Founding Fathers and played a major role in how they shaped America. Capitalism is about the individual, and not the government fulfilling and supplying the needs of the people, and if the Capitalist is right, his/her employees and investors get rich as well. Capitalism trickles down to create jobs to make and deliver things people want and need.

First, take the excellent example of 'I, Pencil' by Leonard E. Read. An essay that should be taught in every school, not just in the United States, but in the world. And, then there is this anonymous, but truly excellent meme on trickle-down economics that was found on the internet.

ANOTHER IMPORTANT HISTORY LESSON FOR SOCIALISTS: Socialism almost wiped out the Plymouth colony. Their 2nd Governor, William Bradford, saved them by instituting one of the earliest forms of Capitalism. If it were not for Bradford and Capitalism, they would have perished like Jamestown.

And, lastly, here is the unspoken and plain truth about Socialism that Ole Hanson was fully aware of ...



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