Whaddaya Know! Donald Trump Is A Nice Guy
The people who know Donald Trump personally, who work or have worked for him, all have the same things to say about him; that he is a genuinely nice and honest guy who truly loves his country. If there were no truth to these statements, one would think that dozens, if not hundreds, or thousands of employees. ex-employees and even acquaintances would be crawling out from under the woodwork to point fingers at Trump, but where are they? They would most certainly be out there and vocal if there were any, but there are none.
Lynne Patton, a black woman executive who has worked directly for Donald Trump for 7 years, came forward with a moving testament to Donald Trump’s kind and generous nature, and to dispel these lies that Trump is a misogynist and a racist.
Also, a high school friend of Donald Trump's, Peter Ticktin, posted to his Facebook wall, this personal testimony about the Donald Trump that he knows.
The truth is that Donald Trump has a very long history of privately performing good deeds and acts of kindness for others. Of course, the MSM won't mention or cover them, and Donald hasn't publicly talked about any of these, but we know about them because the recipients of his kinds deeds have come forwards to talk about them. Here are just a few more of Donald Trump's good deeds. You'll never hear of these from the press. Never.
Donald Trump came to the rescue of a widow and her children who were about to have their farm foreclosed on and working with his friends, paid off their mortgage and debts and saved their farm. After 3 bad years of farming, it was too much for a Georgia farmer to take. He believed by taking his own life the insurance money would save the farm that had been in his family for over 100 years. Taking his life was a hard enough blow to the family, but when the insurance didn't pay, they were at a loss. With the property in foreclosure, Donald Trump stepped in and saved the farm:
Trump gave an undisclosed amount (rumored to be $1M) to help the family of a 10-year old girl who suffered from brittle-bone disease with their medical bills, treatment, and living expenses.
Trump donated $25K directly to help Marine Sgt Tahmooressi after he was released from a Mexican prison where he was falsely held for 214 days (and I read somewhere that Trump worked behind the scenes sending Lawyers, money, and other resources as well to get him released.) Obama? Not even a phone call. As Greta van Susteren said; “In all seriousness, Donald did help out Sgt. Tahmooressi. He sent him some money to help him jump start his life. President Obama wouldn’t even pick up the phone to help.
In 1991, hearing about 200 U.S. Marines returning from the Gulf War, who suddenly found themselves stranded, he promptly sent down his private jet and to bring them all home to their families.
Donald came to the rescue of a sick child in 1988:
He paid off the mortgage of someone who was kind enough to assist him with a flat tire:
In 1991, without regard for his own safety, he came to the rescue of a man who was being mugged and beaten with a baseball bat:
http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/10/report-donald-trump-stopped-baseball-bat-beating-on-new-york-city-street-in-1991/ Mugger's Trumped! Donald Stops Attack
He sheltered and protected Jennifer Hudson and her family when Jennifer Hudson's boyfriend murdered her immediate family in a jealous rage:
In 1993 Trump protected Kathy Lee Gifford and her daughter from a psychopathic killer:
Here is a claim that Donald Trump paid for the funeral expenses of one of his casino employees who was estranged from her family because she was a lesbian.
I cannot personally speak to the truth of this claim, but I do believe it, as it's completely in character to what is publicly known about Trump. Silk has said that Trump covered Diamond's funeral expanses when she suddenly and sadly passed away ... https://www.westernjournal.com/silk-reveals-trump-covering-costs-diamonds-funeral-presidents-supposed/
... and he offered to pay the funeral expenses of Army Pfc. Vanessa Guillen who was murdered at Ft. Hood ... https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2020/07/31/trump-offers-pay-funeral-expenses-slain-ft-hood-soldier-n346558
These are more than stories of someone simply "writing a check." In each one there was an extending of his own time, energy, and resources, and in one case, putting himself directly in the way of physical harm to protect someone else.
These are the stories you don't hear. These are the stories that today the MSM will just not report. And, there are more stories about Donald Trump just like these. All you have to do is to simply look for them. And lastly, here's the best proof I've see yet proving that Donald Trump is not a racist and never has been a racist. Kudos to Benji Irby for his excellent research in putting this video together.
Now, let's further handle the false claims of those who say Donald Trump is a racist: https://tatobin4.wixsite.com/theredpill/single-post/claims-of-donald-j-trump-being-a-racist-debunked
And, the very true claim that Joe Biden is a racist: https://tatobin4.wixsite.com/theredpill/single-post/joe-biden-is-a-racist-dixiecrat-and-always-has-been