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Is Donald Trump a Racist? Let's Look At The Evidence.

First, let's look at the charges of racism typically leveled at Donald Trump by Democrats and the Left. Let's see how they hold up to the facts ...

CLAIM: Trump discriminated against blacks trying to rent his properties:

Trump did NOT discriminate or refuse to rent to blacks. He did, however, refuse to turn his luxury apartments over to Section 8/Welfare because it would hurt his business and his brand. This was part of an intentionally deceitful sting operation by the Federal government targeting realtors and developers all across NYC utilizing a radical black activist group.

Trump later successfully sued the Federal government for their BS sting operation.

Not racism.

CLAIM: Trump took out a full page NYT ad calling for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park 5:

First off, the Central Park 5 were not innocent, and at the time of the ad, they had been found guilty and sentenced. Donald Trump expressed his opinion on what should happen to them NOT because they were black, but because they were convicted of one of the most horrific crimes and murders New Yorkers had ever heard of. Not racist.

CLAIM: Trump didn't want a Judge to oversee his lawsuit because he was a Mexican:

Trump never said he didn't want that judge because he was Mexican. He stated that he didn't want that judge because he was incapable of being impartial. He was openly anti-Trump, was a member of the Mexican anti-American La Raza who were named in the case, and he belonged to an activist Legal group that had openly dedicated itself to defeating Trump in the election.

CLAIM: Trump had black employees removed from the floors of his casino: This one is very easily debunked! This claim was made by a teenager, Kip Brown, who claimed he was an employee at the time and saw it with his own eyes. The problem with his story? Under the Law casinos can't and don't hire teenagers. Debunked.

CLAIM: Two men in Boston beat up a homeless Latino man saying they were inspired by Trump: Yes, this did happen. HOWEVER, Trump never told anyone to do this, and he did NOT praise them as some on social media have falsely claimed. He directly condemned the attack.

CLAIM: Trump said that he didn't want blacks or Jews counting his money:

This black/Jew money counting comment is an unsubstantiated and unprovable claim in the book 'Trumped' by John R. O'Donnell, who is openly, nearly insanely hostile towards Trump. Denied by Trump, and denied by people who know and have worked with Trump. A baseless BS rumor by a Trump hater. Not credible.

CLAIM: Trump called Mexicans "rapists" and "murders":

Trump NEVER called Mexicans "rapists" and "murders" He was referencing a 2014 Huffington Post article which documented that illegal migrants were being raped and murdered by the smugglers who were taking them over the border and that some 80% of the women were being raped by them. Not racism.

CLAIM: Trump campaigned with white supremacists:

Trump NEVER campaign with any White Supremacists. There is no proof or record of any such event ever happening, and since no one can "prove a negative", it's up to you prove that any such thing did happen.

CLAIM: Trump lied about Muslims celebrating on New Jersey rooftops the fall of the towers on 9/11:

He didn't lie. It really did happen, and here is undeniable proof that President Trump was NOT lying First, here's news broadcast PROOF:

CLAIM: Trump was surprised to learn most people on welfare are white:

This claim was made by NBC from yet another unnamed, anonymous source (hmm ... they do that an awful lot, don't they?). Apparently President Trump is claimed to have said this during a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus, however, no Congressperson has come forward to own the claim and no transcript of the meeting was ever released. Again, it is impossible to "prove a negative", so if you really want to claim this one is true, then all you have to do is to provide the proof it was said. Until that time, this is just another baseless claim. Not credible.

The bottom line here is that Donald Trump is not a racist nor has he ever been a racist, and claims to the contrary simply do not stand up to scrutiny.

Not only is Donald J. Trump not a racist, but he's also a really, really nice guy!

However, if after all that you still want to claim that Donald Trump is a racist, then let's look at his record of actions regarding POC.

"Donald J. Trump is so racist ..."

... that as President, he restored and increased HBCU funding (which Obama had previously cut permanently) and met with HBCU leaders to find more solutions to bring higher education to black communities!

... that Jesse Jackson praised Trump for helping him put together his Rainbow Coalition and for being a model for "people on Wall Street to represent diversity."

... that he was awarded the 1986 Ellis Island Medal Of Honor alongside Rosa parks and Muhammad Ali for "patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and DIVERSITY". They don't give these medals to racists.

... that he donated to Rev Al Sharpton's Presidential campaign as well as to his National Youth Movement, and even did personal favors for him.

... that he helped sponsor and finance both of Jesse Jackson's presidential bids.

... that when a homeless black woman was found illegally squatting in Trump Tower he allowed this woman to stay for 8 years, and provided her with three meals a day, and fresh flowers once a week.

... that he fought against the system to establish a country club in Palm Beach that accepted blacks and Jews when other clubs in the area did not and would not. By the way, Hillary Clinton belonged to one of those "exclusive" Whites-Only clubs and was a PAYING member!

... that he gave Jennifer Hudson an apartment in his tower (complete with a security detail) so she could heal and recover in peace after her family was brutally murdered.

... that as President, he commuted the sentence of Alice Johnson, a black woman who was imprisoned for life in 1996 over a non-violent first time drug offense. A sentence that was made overly severe because of Joe Biden's 100-To-1 Crime Bill.

... that as President he championed and signed The First Step Act into Law reversing racial injustices done by Joe Biden's 100-To-1 and 1994 Crime Bills.

... that as President, he created The Platinum Plan and Opportunity Zones to finance, increase, and promote black businesses in black communities:

... that as President, he worked to bring about the lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates in U.S. history:


On Feburary 13th, 2000, Donald Trump both left and rejected the Reform Party's nomination of him for president because, as he stated: “The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. [Patrick] Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. [Lenora] Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.

But Democrats and Trump-haters continue to claim against all evidence to the contrary, that he is a racist, pointing to the often repeated LIES that he praised White Supremacists at Charlottesville (he did not, and NEVER did), and refusing to disavow David Duke, and other White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis, regardless of the FACT that he has repeatedly and consistantly disavowed them going back as far as 1991.

Democrats also continue the LIE that David Duke endorsed Donald Trump for President, when David Duke, hiumself, in his own words says. "I NEVER endorsed Donald Trump. Stop LYING!". And, neither have the KKK or Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist Richard Spencer endorsed Donald Trump. They're both on record stating that they dislike Donald Trump, and do not support his policies. But do you know WHO they DO like and support? The KKK is on record endorsing Hillary Clinton, donating $20K to her campaign (which she never disavowed or returned), and Richard Spencer twice endorsed Joe Biden for President. Not just once, and not just TWICE, but on multiple occassions and for an ALL-DEMOCRAT TICKET as well! Lest you think that it's just these two, know that the Neo-Nazi group, 'Blood Tribe' have stated repeatedly that they hate Donald Trump, and support Joe Biden.

Democrats also don't want you to know or remember that they are the Party of slavery; the KKK, Jim Crow Laws; Segregation, ANTI-Civil Rights; cross-burnings, lynchings, Emmitt Til, &c., and that Joe Biden is a racist Dixiecrat and has been for his entiure political career! Fortunately, history is carved in stone, and cannot be changed no matter how much they lie, conceal, and deceive.

As for the Republican's involvement in that history; know that the Republican Party was founded in 1854 by the Abolutionists, the Free Soilers, and anti-slavery Whigs with the express mission to END slavery once and for all in the United States of America. Another historical fact carved in stone is that NO Republican ever owned a slave or was a part of the KKK.

Yet with all this proof out there and available. Democrats refuse to allow documented facts and on-record first-person statements from stopping them repeating their lies about Donald Trump. And, the following is even more sproof that they are LIES. Here's what all these deranged Trump haters refuse to hear, acknowledge, or let you know, and that is that Donald Trump is NOT a racist NOR has he ever been a racist.

Lynne Patton, a black executive, who worked for Trump, and for whom Donald Trump and the Trump family personally got involved to help her through her addictions:

Here's Dominic Carter, NY news reporter and political commentator for WABC, stating in no uncertain terms that Donald Trump is his friend, and a friend to nhis family, and is not a racist:

And, for those who what has Donald Trump done for black people:

How Trump — Not Biden — Has Helped Make Black Lives Better:

With all the above said, do you want to know who actually IS a racist? Joe Biden! The following link has all the receipts one needs to prove Joe Biden's 50-year long political history of being a racist Dixiecrat and of palling around with and supporting racist Dixiecrats. And, just wait until you get to the part where Joe Biden is calling black children "ROACHES"! ...

To be completely honest, most Democrats are racists as well. Consider ...

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